Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How I use my Mobile

Mobile phone is electrounic device , It used for communication (calling and send messges),
It's very important for me , My mobile model(Nokia) N95 , I used(Zain) chip. This mobile bult-in-Bluetoothe technology. My mobile gift for my anucle but now I changed it. I used mobile for emerengency, I usually spend talking on my mobile 10 minuts and I talking more at midnight beacuse in this time I fenshed my college.
I send SMS 5 in a day and receive SMS 10 in a day , because that I spend recharge my mobile 2 in a day .
Connction the use of mobile causes many health problems severe pain in the ear and other diseases. I recommend for teens about using mobile don't talking in time late and use technology good , Safe and healthy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The best place in this world

This place is fantastic place in this world . but Ithink never place like it, because it is very beautiful place . When we will visited this place or see him we will feeling strong, feeling comfortable and safety. This feels makes tears come down, but we will not feeling it. but if we visited any place with the passage of time , we feeling boredom and misses to your home, family and friends, but in this place it is not feeling any thing except hope stay here forever. Iknow tired you thinking , but believe me this talking is very few to this place. look this photos : - Because that I talking this place is fantastic place in this world. Ihope and invite god to brig us together in this place.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How do I use the Internet

The Internet is all my life, I used it in everything is where I can meet new friends and also shopping and I listen to music and browse the sites and private sites pictures of the children, as well as news sites. And from which to download images, text and many other things to Atad The Internet world wide do not coast has it.